Specialized Creative Services
A typical assignment for us involves bridging our consulting work into creative services. We can do this in several ways.
Since a brand’s web presence is often created centrally, we usually execute this part of the strategy ourselves. This way the various web sites and social media assets that make up a brand's web presence can be coordinated more closely in line with the brand strategy. In particular, we believe online networking (social media) assets should be run locally but coordinated, monitored and directed centrally. We help our clients create, monitor and manage their global web presence in a way that builds brand equity and maintains centralized control.
Beyond that, our larger clients have relationships with ad agencies and other marketing communication partners in the local market. We do not want to disturb these relationships or be perceived as trying to compete with the local partners. In these cases we hand over a strategy, tactical plans and creative brief to the local agency and, if needed, work with them to guide execution.
Some clients create all their communication centrally and adapt it to the local markets. In these cases we can assign a creative team and execute the communication ourselves or do so in cooperation with our global network of 65 specialized communication firms.
We provide creative services only to companies who have developed their brand strategy with us.